The purpose of history is to find the lost Adam.
After God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He blessed them, saying, be mature, have a family and manage the creation.
Adam and Eve were to become mature first, before they are joined in marriage by God, and then finally realizing the third blessing which is dominion over creation.
Sin blocked Adam and Eve to realize God's blessing to them. Instead of living at the Garden of Eden they were chased out and live separated from God. God lost the original Adam to sin. However, God did not create another Adam, instead, He started His plan to bring back the lost Adam, the restoration of Adam. Thus history started the search of the lost Adam.
Jesus Christ is considered the second Adam. He came to realize the original plan for the first Adam. However, he was rejected and considered as heretic, impostor, the prince of demon, and many other words. Finally he was crucified, leaving the plan for the original Adam unrealized.
Now the time has for the third Adam to come. We are now living in the Last Days. The Divine Principle explains very clearly that the time for the third Adam to appear is now. The year 2010 has already showed many signs of the Last Days through natural calamities that appeared in different countries. We are indeed living in the Last Days, when the third Adam has to appear and finally realize God's three blessings to man.
When the third Adam appears, he becomes the center of life and the universe, just as God placed Adam and Eve at the center of the Garden of Eden. The third Adam becomes the core. From that core will come the realization of God's Purpose of Creation - the realization of the the Three Blessings.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon had a very deep and extraordinary experience with Jesus Christ on a Sunday easter while in deep prayer at the top of a hill. Jesus Christ related to him many providential contents and finally asked Rev. Sun Myung Moon to fulfill and continue the his work.
When when he finally accepted that mission, he started to thread the lonely difficult path of a Messiah. Alone, he walked that path being misunderstood by the people around him. He determined to create what God and humankind earnestly longed for - the World of Peace, God's Kingdom. Now after more than half a decade, the Unification Church has its followers all over the world. It has influence worldwide, while he is alive. This is the only religious tradition so far to have tremedous accomplishment and be recognized a world religion at Harvard University while its founder is alive.
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Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the third Adam. He came to fulfill the plan of God for the first Adam. He is the only religious leader I know who have initiated a great many organizations, forums, and conferences to create a world that was originally envisioned by God for Adam and Eve.
He has touched many people's heart and changed their lives because of his words and his projects. They have realized that Reverend Sun Myung Moon are doing all those projects with only one thing in his mind and heart - his deep love for God and humankind.
My prayer is that you consider looking indepth into the life of the Reverend Sun Myung. Don't miss to discover the precious knowledge he is revealing in your search for true meaning of love and happiness.
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